Magical Castles

An extraordinary amount of ingenuity, research and effort was on display in Miss Nicholls’ Year 7 History classes this week. The groups have spent the past month planning and preparing for their presentations on the development of Norman castles and now they had the chance to show off their finished projects. Miss Nicholls said, “The…

Inspiring Dancers

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming Kelly McClelland into school to run a two hour dance workshop in relation to the Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) scheme. The session aimed to challenge and inspire dancers in areas of technique and creativity, as well as provide an insight into pre-vocational dance training. Students from Years…

Support for Holiday Wellbeing

We recognise that during the holidays, both students and parents may need additional help in coping with their mental health and wellbeing. There will be some young people who may struggle without the access to the daily pastoral support, teaching staff and friends that the school community provides. Here are two excellent organisations that can…