Our Services Families students enjoyed a day learning bushcraft skills on Wednesday, building on the camaraderie and teamwork that was established last month during their raft building day.
Experienced instructor, Des Bradder, come in to teach them various survival skills including 4 elements of bushcraft: cord, cutting, canvas, and container. They discovered what do you need to survive (water and fire); learnt how to use knives, axes, and saws safely, while making a shelter peg; made fire lighting materials and tried different fire lighting techniques – traditional flint and steel, a bow drill, and a fire steel striker. They even had a taste of outdoor cooking – an all-in pasta stew cooked up on an open fire by Mr Mallison.
Our Forces Liaison Officer, Mrs McGaffin, said, “It was a great day, and the students all enjoyed the fun challenges that boosted their confidence and gave them a great sense of satisfaction and pride.”