As a student at William Howard School, right from the start of Year 7 through to leaving in Year 11 and 13 you will take part in careers related learning in tutor times, subject lessons, assemblies, trips etc. Careers Events Programme (2023-24)

The dates for this year’s IAG mornings and work experience during 2024-25 are:


  • Year 11 Work Experience – Monday 18th to Friday 22nd November 2024
  • Year 11 Post 16 Morning – Friday 29th November 2024
  • Year 9 Options IAG Morning – Friday 10th January 2025
  • Years 7 & 8 IAG Day – Friday 9th May 2025
  • Year 10 Mock Interview and IAG Morning – Friday 11th July 2025

You may have visits from guest speakers at universities, colleges, apprenticeship providers, different companies during assemblies and lessons and be given the opportunity to take part in a range of activities or given futures information in a range of contexts.

Students have a designated IAG page on the school VLE for careers which is linked to local labour market information: Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) — William Howard School ( You will need you school login to access these resources including CV templates and a work experience database.




We are School Accredited Members of the Careers Development Institute due to the strength of our externally assessed Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) offer to students. Mrs Hill (Associate Assistant Headteacher/Careers Lead) is a CDI Registered Careers Lead, and Mrs Meakin (Aspirations Coach) is a CDI Registered Careers Practitioner, these are the recognised qualifications needed to offer 1-1 careers advice and support under the Gatsby Benchmarks as set by the Department for Education.

To build on the IAG already offered across all subjects, the WHS Department Careers Champions have undertaken training on a new programme called Skillsbuilder which will be launched with the students in January 2023. Skillsbuilder is a framework for 8 key skills that students can demonstrate across their time in school to support them towards their future career aspirations.

WHS Departmental Careers Champions:

  • Maths– Mr Buttress
  • English– Mr Burkes
  • Science/STEM– Mr Ling
  • Humanities– Ms Sanderson
  • Art/Photography– Mrs Bertram
  • Computing– Ms Angland
  • Design Technology– Mrs Twentyman
  • Health & Social Care– Mrs Nettleton
  • RE– Mrs Booker/Mr Connolly
  • PD– Mrs Fitton/Mrs Gregory
  • MFL– Miss Leighton
  • Performing Arts– Mrs Cooper
  • PE– Mr Tidmarsh
  • Business– Mrs Hill
  • Learning Provision– Mrs Bouch
  • Sixth Form– Mrs Meakin
  • Alternative Curriculum– Ms Sawdon

If you have any careers related questions please see Mrs Hill in her office at break times or contact her by email:

Want to know more?

Listed below are some of the most reliable and useful sources which provide impartial advice and guidance every step of the way. However, don’t forget about those close to you; parents, siblings and relatives are all great sources of information and advice, as well as your form tutor, teachers and the Sixth Form team.

Kudos: An online IAG package that offers an aptitude test highlighting employability skills and possible future job roles linked to skills and qualities identified.  This is particularity useful for students who have no idea what they would like to do in the future, the programme is available on the students’ careers page on the VLE and can be accessed remotely by the use of their login and password.

Start: Start is a fantastic careers tool aimed at 11-24 year olds, which enables students to search for careers within their desired area of interest. It gives more detailed information about qualifications/skills needed, job profiles etc, with useful content in ‘Career Worlds’.

Unifrog: A fantastic resource, that allows students to compare university courses and apprenticeships in the same place. Information is up to date, including the latest employment/destination data. *log in is required to use this system*

Find out about Unifrog here

The National Careers Service:  Provides information, advice and guidance to help students make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. Students can create their own lifelong learning account and access a range of useful tools from real-life case studies and careers guides to web and telephone chats with independent, impartial fully-qualified careers advisor.

BBC Bitesize Careers: Whether you’re deciding what to study, taking your exams, planning a career, or just curious, this site explains the world of work, with advice from people who’ve found the right path for them.

My Career Springboard:  An impartial careers information package. Students can create an online account that helps navigate choices and career pathways. Offers a personalised noticeboard and ‘personality tests’ to match careers to interests and traits.

UCAS – Further Education: Primarily aimed at choices after GCSE. It contains a range of resources students will find useful when considering their options such as careers quizzes.

iCould: Videos to explore by employment sector or life theme.

Prospects: A good resource for anyone thinking about university – careers related to subjects and job hunting trends. (Prospects Student Career Guide – Advice on making yourself more attractive to employers).

Careersbox: A free online library of careers related films, news and information.

Careers 4 u: Contains videos on lots of different jobs, and students talking about apprenticeships, university and jobs.

Getting-in: A comprehensive overview of universities, courses and apprenticeships.

Success at School: A useful careers page looking at roles in different sectors of the economy.

First Careers: Get behind the scenes of some of the UK’s most interesting jobs and find what’s right for you. Search through over 150 job profiles and discover career opportunities, inspiration and advice. First Careers offers guidance to primary and secondary school students in making decisions about future careers and professions.

Job Profiles (National Careers Week 2020)

These resources are primarily for pre-16 students, although not exclusively so. Further online resources to support post-16 students can be accessed on the Sixth Form page.

Routes after Year 11: