In an animated English lesson, Ms Scullion joined Ms Ledger in role as ‘Professor Hawthorn’ – specialist in carnivorous dinosaurs, as Year 7 students presented their work as ‘dinosaur experts’ to compete for the chance to exhibit their findings in The Museum of New Discoveries.
Ms Ledger took the role of the Museum’s curator ‘Professor McKenzie’. She heard descriptions of the fabled ‘Moosauraus’, a native British bovine dinosaur; the Axarasaurus with retractable teeth; and Bottasaurus, recently discovered off the coast of Malaga. Professors Hawthorn and McKenzie had their work cut out selecting the exhibits to be displayed.
Ms Ledger said: “The quality of speaking and listening was outstanding, and the students spoke with confidence and clarity.”
Well done Year 7! Their enthusiasm and engagement in the lesson was fantastic!