A big thank you to all the families who came along to our interactive Open Evening last night, we hope you enjoyed the experience. An estimate of around 550 people came through the door, with many parents giving very positive feedback and several young people who didn’t want to leave!
Ms Pigdon, Headteacher said: “The school was positively buzzing with excitement from the young people and passion of our staff. I felt proud of the school and the contribution our staff and students make.”
Mrs Buckley, Transition Lead, said: “Many students were leaving saying that they really wanted to start William Howard School, which is the best feedback we could have! A massive thank you to all staff and students that helped out.”
We hope the event gave families a real sense of what pupils experience and learn at WHS, and look forward to welcoming back the children as Year 7 students of William Howard School in September 2024.
If parents were unable to attend the Open Evening or have further questions about the school, please call 016977 45700.