Loving LAMDA!

Ms Lewis is delighted by the enthusiasm shown by the Year 7 and 8 students who have recently began her LAMDA tuition sessions. The students are studying the Acting Solo syllabus in preparation for Grade 3 exams in February. LAMDA (Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) is the UK’s largest Speech and Drama Examination Board…


Students Explore Rich History of Brampton

Once again, our new Year 7s have begun their History course with a study of the local area, helping the students appreciate the relationship between a place and historical events. Each class is taking a guided tour of Brampton, highlighting the fascinating significance of some of its landmarks. The whistle-stop tours included St Martin’s Church,…


Medal Winning Anna Returns to WHS

There was a real buzz of excitement in school today as we welcomed back former WHS student Anna Nicholson with her Paralympic medal. It was fascinating to hear of Anna’s experience competing for Team GB in Paris this summer. She secured her medal in the women’s F35 shot put event, with a phenomenal 9.44m throw.…


Chloe Selected to Train With NUFC’s U13 Programme

Warwick Wanderers AFC were very pleased to share some exciting news about one of our students. It’s been confirmed that Year 8 student Chloe Summerfield who plays with the under 13s Lionesses has been invited by Premier League giants Newcastle United FC to join their U13s advanced coaching training program for the 2024-2025 season. Warwick…


Headteacher’s Award For a Great Team Player

Year 9 student Paloma O’Connor was presented with this week’s Headteacher’s Award. She was recognised as being simply exceptional, especially in PE. Paloma participates in many extra-curricular activities and teams, going out of her way to help organise teams and is always willing to step in and play, even if it is last minute. When…


Year 7 Welcomed to Their Houses

Year 7 students enjoyed a special House Day today, when their new Houses were revealed in a Hogwarts-style ‘sorting hat ceremony’. Once it was established which House they belonged to – Eden, Talkin, Gelt or Vindolanda – the Year Group spent the rest of the day competing in challenges to gain points for their new…


Investigating an Archaeological Mystery

Pupils in the Year 8 and 9 Archaeology classes, which are part of our character curriculum, took part in an ‘archaeological mystery’ this week. They analysed evidence from the Anglo-Saxon settlement site at Trumpington excavations in Cambridgeshire and focused their investigation on a high-status grave. A recreation of the burial allowed the classes to study…


Cricketing Celebrations

Year 7 students Mac Hogg, Archie Dodd, Cody Hurley, and Freddie Ruddick celebrated a victory in their final cricket match with Lanercost Cricket Club recently, securing the title of North Cumbria U11 Premier League Champions. It has been a fantastic season for them in a sport they love. Additionally, Archie and Mac shared the U11…


Dinosaur Museum Opens its Doors in E5

Miss Mulholland’s Year 7 English class spent a morning visiting ‘the museum’. As part of their homework students were tasked with designing their own dinosaur along with a corresponding fact file. Miss Mulholland said, “I was blown away with their roarsome creativity. A number of exhibitors displayed and talked about their creations as the museum…
