Disagreeing Agreeably

The Ethics Cup is a national competition which encourages students to learn how to ‘disagree, agreeably’. Last Thursday, our Year 12 Philosophy students participated in our own in-house version. It focused on three topical issues and asked students to consider how we can have polite and productive debate within our everyday lives, especially when it…


Interpreting the Past

Students in the Year 8 and 9 Archaeology classes (part of our Character Curriculum) have enjoyed a practical finds handling session. The finds have been loaned from the ‘Uncovering Roman Carlisle’ project at Carlisle Cricket Club, and include a collection of Roman pottery, window glass, hob nails, tile and vaulting tube, along with later Medieval…


A Visitor of Note Comes to WHS

We were extremely privileged to be able to welcome the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, to our school on Thursday. During his visit, Mr Bailey engaged with our Sixth Form Maths and Business students, discussing his role at the Bank of England and sharing insights into the current economic landscape. The students…


Girls Break Barriors to ESports

Wednesday entailed a visit to the National ESports Centre in snowy Sunderland for a group of Year 9 girls. Once they had made their frozen way to the Centre, the girls took advantage of being the first school to arrive to use the consoles to show their skills. When everyone else was onsite they spent…


WHS Enjoys the Benefit of Being Mobile Device-Free

At William Howard School, our recent decision to create a mobile device-free environment during the school day has been met with resounding success. Following thoughtful discussions with parents and students, we implemented a policy that allows students to bring their mobile phones to school but requires them to be turned off and stored in bags…


Headteacher’s Award for Exceptional Sports Leader

Ellen is a truly deserving candidate for the weekly Headteacher’s Award. Her dedication to sports leadership is exceptional, consistently offering her time and expertise to support every festival with enthusiasm and professionalism. Beyond her own commitments to after-school clubs, she selflessly extends her time to mentor younger students and ensure the success of primary school…


Alumnus of the Month (November 2024)

Our alumnus of the month for November is Nathan Little who attended William Howard School from 2012 to 2017. Nathan left school to study Uniformed Public Services at Newton Rigg College for a year before joining the Army Foundation College Harrogate, where he completed his basic training and started phase 2 training as an Electronics…


School Benefits From Book Fair

A huge thank you to all students, parents and staff who supported our Scholastic Book Fair last week (12–15 November 2024). It was a very successful event, with the sales of books and stationery amounting to nearly £1,000. As a result, our school will receive lots of free books for the Library and students are…
