Booking and Cancellation
If you wish to start using WHS Transport during the year please contact the Transport Team in the first instance via or 016977 45700 to check whether there is availability on your preferred route.
Transport charges are calculated on full occupancy of a seat for the whole academic year. Reductions cannot be made for absence due to e.g. illness, school trips etc.
When you sign the booking form you agree that once a place is allocated you are responsible for paying the transport fees for the full academic year (or remainder of the academic year if taking up a place part-way through the year).
Places can only be cancelled in exceptional circumstances, for example, moving house. However, for Year 11 and Year 13 students, places can be cancelled once their exams are complete. Please advise the Finance Office of the date of their last exam when known.
If you do need to cancel the seat booking, you must contact the Finance Office in writing to the above address or email: Charges will accrue until we receive written notice of cancellation and the pass (this applies to Year 11 and Year 13 students as well).
The annual cost of transport for the academic year 2024-25 is £995.
Payment Options (2024-25):
- Direct Debit (school preferred option) – 12 monthly instalments from 1st September 2024 and every month thereafter – £82.92 per month. (DD Mandate)
- Termly Invoice – Charges are: Autumn Term £382; Spring Term £314; Summer Term £299.
For parents/carers that have opted to pay by invoice, these will be raised during the first week of each term and are due for payment within 30 days. Payments can be made via ParentPay, BACS Transfer, or by cheque (made payable to Cumbria Education Trust).
Please contact the Finance Team on 016977 45700 if you have any issues making payment.
Please note that Year 11 and 13 students will receive a discount to reflect the period of service that will not be used, that is, between the end of the exam period and the end of the summer term. Periods of study leave remain chargeable in full.
Failure to pay for transport will mean the school may refuse transport. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact the Finance Team to discuss your situation and agree a repayment plan on manageable terms.
Northumberland County Council Transport
The link below will take you to the Northumberland County Council school transport home page, where you will find a wide variety of information (including their school transport policy which highlights the eligibility criteria for school transport), an application form for school transport and frequently asked questions. Northumberland County Council – School transport