The School has a uniform policy which all students in Years 7 to 11 must follow.

The school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. William Howard School agrees with guidance for the Department of Education which states:
The school uniform can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos; ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils. The Department also encourages schools to have a very clear position about appearance such as hair colour, style and length and the wearing of jewellery and make-up.
We appreciate that young people want to express themselves as they begin to develop their sense of identity, yet we do appreciate parental support in implementing this policy.
Deviation from any part of these rules (e.g. on medical grounds) is only permissible with the written consent of the Headteacher. The school retains the right of final decision on the interpretation of these issues of dress.
Uniform Requirements
Uniform Summary
Item |
Compulsory item |
Optional item |
From School Supplier |
General Purchase Item |
WHS Blazer |
X |
X |
WHS Tie |
X |
X |
Optional Navy School Jumper |
X |
X |
White Shirt |
X |
X |
Black Trousers (or School Skirt) |
X |
X |
Optional School Skirt |
X |
X |
Black School Shoes |
X |
X |
Uniform Item Details
WHS Blazer: This must be worn throughout the school day except where permission has been given not to by a member of staff. There must be the appropriate House badge attached on the lapel.
Black school trousers: Plain, straight-leg, black school trousers. No black jeans or no black canvas trousers of any style, or leggings. During summer term, students can wear school supplied tailored shorts.
School skirt: (optional) This can be purchased via the school uniform shop and is available in two different styles to offer choice.
Plain white shirt worn with a WHS tie: Shirts/blouses should be ‘proper’ shirts with collars and cuffs. Shirts should be long enough to be tucked in. Fitted shirts for girls which will not tuck in are unacceptable. Short-sleeved shirts are permitted, rolled up sleeves are not. All shirts should have a top button and be fastened at the neck.
Plain black polishable shoes: Plain black shoes or plain full leather polishable trainers (no coloured logos or coloured stitching). Girls’ shoes must be black, flat or with broad heels – not sandals or backless. Boys’ shoes must be plain black and polishable, no coloured logos, air bubbles, coloured eyelets or stitching.
Socks/Tights: Plain black, white, grey or navy socks or plain neutral/black tights, other colours are not allowed. No patterned, striped or frill/ruffle top socks are allowed. Socks need to cover the ankle and overlap with the bottom of the trouser leg. No trainer liners.
Hair and make-up: Excessive make-up is not acceptable. Any make-up (including nail varnish) must be subtle and practically imperceptible. False eye lashes are not allowed. Extreme hairstyles and colours such as shaven heads, Mohicans, tramlines and patterns are not allowed. Hair accessories should be subtle (e.g. for tying back long hair for health and safety reasons). Tattoos are illegal for children of school age and should not ever be visible. False nails and nail extensions are not permitted. Students with these will be required to have them removed.
Permitted Accessory items:
- Thin black belt
- 1 set of earrings/studs. Any other piercings in areas such as tongues or eyebrows are not permitted and students will need to remove these. Nose studs or rings are not permitted. Any nasal piercings must have a blanking stud in or be covered while in school.
- 1 ring
- 1 watch
- Necklace/bracelet for religious or medical reasons
Items needed for PE
Recommended for Boys |
Recommended for Girls |
- Unisex PE Polo
- Shorts
- Socks
- Hoodie
- Girl fit or Unisex PE Polo
- Skort, Shorts or WHS Leggings
- Socks
- Hoodie
Suitable trainers must be worn for PE (this does not include: plimsolls or footwear that is worn as part of the school uniform). Expensive designer trainers or brand names are not necessary.
No jewellery is permitted to be worn when in PE.
Many retailers have their own generic ranges of ‘school uniform’, please note that not all items contained within these ranges are compliant with this policy and therefore are not acceptable.
All property should be clearly marked with your name.
Uniform Shop
Uniform can be purchased from the shop located in the main foyer (tel: 016977 45700).
The Uniform Shop in school will be open during the summer holidays from 9am to 3pm on the following days:
- Tuesday, 27 August
- Wednesday, 28 August
- Thursday, 29 August
- Friday, 30 August
Opening times during school term:
For students – daily at break & lunchtimes
For parents – Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4pm
Second Hand Uniform
Many parents ask where they could donate any outgrown or no longer required items of WHS uniform or indeed purchase items that are pre-used.
The school has formed a link with Brampton charity shop – Cumbria Cerebral Palsy which is located at 40 Front Street, Brampton. They are our designated ‘outlet’ for purchasing and donating second-hand items. They have asked that WHS uniform items only be dropped off at the shop on a Friday and that they are laundered and in sellable condition (no stains, tips or tears). Items will be available to purchase every day, however they may not be on display in the shop, please ask a member of staff for assistance and they will check the current stock.
Sixth Form Dress Code – Smart/Office Wear
- T-Shirt/Shirt (no crop tops); Sweatshirt/Jumper
- Smart Skirt/Dress/Trousers/Jeans
- Sensible footwear
- Lanyard
- Outdoor wear (hats and coats) for outside only
- Leggings/sportswear can only be worn for specific subjects during their timetabled lesson
A final decision on what is acceptable rests with the Head of Sixth Form.