Our Sixth Form Information Evening for September 2025 Admissions was held on 15th January 2025. If you were not able to attend but would like more information about our Sixth Form, please call Natalie Nicholls (Head of Sixth Form) on 016977 45779 or email: nnicholls@williamhoward.cumbria.sch.uk
At William Howard School Sixth Form, we recognise the importance of supporting students with the choices that will determine the next stage of their school experience and beyond. The Sixth Form option process has been designed to provide the structure, advice and guidance needed to allow students to make informed decisions about the Level 3 courses they wish to study.
As a Sixth Form, we are committed to supporting students to select courses which will enable them to achieve success. We hold a series of one-to-one meetings in Year 11 and following GCSE results day, to support students with their choices. Whilst we would always advise studying a broad and balanced choice of subjects to ensure future pathways are kept open, careful consideration of academic progress and examination results lie at the centre of our advice.
All students in Year 12 are required to study a minimum of 3 Level 3 courses. They will also chose a further study or enrichment option, which we believe enhances our curriculum offer. All Level 3 courses have recommended minimum entry requirements which are determined by staff with expertise in the subject areas. Whilst there may on occasion be some flexibility with the requirements, these are upheld in the main and the final decision on course suitability sits with the Head of Sixth Form.