At William Howard School Sixth Form we are committed to providing opportunities for Student Participation and believe it is important for our students to immerse themselves in a rich extra-curricular programme across their two-years of study. As such, we provide opportunities for our students that span beyond the core curriculum, both as enrichment and to develop key leadership roles in school.
Each year our enrichment offer, and student leadership opportunities grow as we respond to the needs of our students. Currently all students in Year 12 lead on school-wide enrichment opportunities, taking on roles such as Mentors, Reading Buddies, Sports Leaders, and Mental Health Ambassadors. Alongside these opportunities, students in the Sixth Form take part in whole school productions, choir, international and local visits, a range of sporting events and debating clubs, to name but a few.
Students will also lead on several enrichment opportunities linked to national events such as Children in Need, Comic Relief and Save the Children, raising awareness for charitable organisations and global issues, with the Student Leadership Team organising Macmillan coffee mornings and supporting whole school donations for local foodbanks.