At William Howard School, our curriculum prepares our students for an ever-changing world; providing excellent opportunities and progression through a foundation of academic study, enriched by wider educational experiences. Our holistic approach fosters not only academic excellence but also cultivates strong character qualities, firmly anchored in our core values of respect, responsibility and resilience. At the heart of our educational philosophy lies inclusivity, ensuring that every student benefits from a comprehensive curriculum that forms a strong foundation for their onward educational journey.

For further details about the Curriculum, please visit the Curriculum Overview page.

A typical Year 7 timetable:

The Accelerate Curriculum

By working closely with the primary schools, together we identify students who we feel would benefit from the ‘Acelerate Curriculum’. The aim of the Accelerate Curriculum is to support students and accelerate progress to meet age-related expectations where possible. A high quality educational experience is offered to increase engagement, confidence and academic resilience. Click here to find out about the Accelerate Curriculum