Today we hosted the Carlisle and Eden Secondary Schools’ Boccia Competition at William Howard School.
Between Trinity School, St John Henry Newman Catholic School and our own teams, the competition them was fierce with six teams in total.
Sadly, a few other schools withdrew beforehand but with a smaller number of teams, they were able to play a round robin, so all the teams got to play each other and have lots of game time. The competition was so tight that places couldn’t be decided on games won and lost, but on points for and against.
The schools all came to the event with different experiences of Boccia. Newman had never played before but were brilliant and went away determined to buy a set of Boccia balls and start playing at their school.
All the teams had a wonderful day and demonstrated some fantastic Boccia skills and some great teamwork.
The three top spots went to Trinity Titans – Gold, William Howard Hurricanes – Silver and St John Henry Newman Dragons – Bronze. These three teams now have the opportunity to compete again at the county competition in Penrith in May against six other schools from other parts of the county to earn a place at the Northwest Regional Final in Liverpool at the end of June. We wish them all luck.
Mrs Croucher, WHS Inclusive Sports Leader, said: “All the teams played well, and everyone showed huge team spirit. Encouragement and cheering could be heard throughout the day.”
Congratulations to our William Howard team players: Andrew, Samuel, Emily, Amy, Nicky, Eve and Summer.
A massive thank you goes to our wonderful Year 8 sports leaders who officiated and supported at the event – Kayleigh, Georgia P, Kate, Olivia, Isla, Lauren, Zach, Leon, Mylo, Leo, Riley, Lewis, Georgia H, Emily, Lotty and Coen. You were a real credit to the school!
Finally, another huge thank you to Hannah Paling of HP Activities and representative for Panathlon and Karen Cook, the School Games Organiser for Carlisle who helped to run the day and make sure that everything ran smoothly.