Safeguarding is at the core of everything we do at William Howard School to ensure our students receive the highest standard of care and education. We are fully committed to the welfare and safety of every student, believing that each one deserves to learn in a supportive, caring, and secure environment, free from all forms of abuse. Our “Not in Our School” mantra reinforces the message that every individual has the right to feel safe, valued, and supported. In addition to our Designated Safeguarding Leads, we have a dedicated wider safeguarding team that works collaboratively to provide exceptional safeguarding measures across our entire school community.
If any members of the school or local community have concerns about the welfare of a child in the school, or if you have any safeguarding queries, please contact our School Safeguarding Team.
Alternatively, you can speak to any member of staff in school if you are concerned about bullying, discriminatory behaviour, risk-taking behaviour or anything that makes you worried for your own or someone’s safety.