Our Vision

At William Howard School, we believe that all students should be the best they can be and embody our three core values or Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. The SEND Department, known as Aspire/Learning Provision, supports students on the Code of Practice so that they can fully access all areas of school life and thrive within an inclusive environment where their needs are met.

We strive to ensure that all areas of school life, both in the classroom and in extracurricular opportunities, are inclusive and allow students with SEND to make progress, both academically and socially, so that they are prepared for adulthood. William Howard School is committed to ensuring that the individual long term hopes and aspirations of the students and their families form the basis of a personalised next step approach to their educational experience.

At William Howard School, our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all young people receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of need or disability. We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.

Through our high quality planning, teaching and provision we

  • pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximised
  • ensure that all young people have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to enable young people to understand the relevance and purpose of learning.
  • provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils.
  • develop young person’s independence and life skills.
  • regularly monitor the progress of pupils with SEND, using a child-centered approach.
  • provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting pupils with SEND.
  • work in partnership with parents and carers.
  • work closely with external agencies and other professionals to hone and develop our provision for pupils with SEND.

‘Pupils with SEND are well supported and make good progress from their individual starting points. These pupils receive well-targeted academic support and make improved progress as a result.’  OFSTED, May 2019


Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Miss Sarah Carruthers (Email SENCO)

Our SENCo is responsible for the operation of the Special Educational Needs Policy and co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual children with SEN. The SENCo will liaise regularly with class teachers and monitor pupil progress. Where progress is slower than expected, further interventions and/or support will be planned.


The majority of the curriculum is delivered in the curriculum areas.

Other opportunities include:

  • Small group work
  • Additional adapted extra-curricular activities
  • Parallel and personalised schemes of work

‘I don’t think he would have done half so well, or been as able to cope with the work, without your intervention and support.’  Parent of Y11 student

The Accelerate Curriculum

By working closely with the primary schools, together we identify students who we feel would benefit from the ‘Acelerate Curriculum’. The aim of the Accelerate Curriculum is to support students and accelerate progress to meet age-related expectations where possible. A high quality educational experience is offered to increase engagement, confidence and academic resilience. Click here to find out about the Accelerate Curriculum

 ‘I was so nervous sending my son to a new, big school but it turned out to be the best thing we could have done. It is amazing to see the change in him, to have seen his confidence grow and to know he is now happy and settled at school.’  Parent of Y7 student

Cumberland SEND

The Local Offer is a directory of all of the services available within Cumbria. To access this please follow this link  Families Information | SEND Information Hub (Local offer) (cumberland.gov.uk)

If parents and carers feel they would like some impartial information, advice or support on any issues relating to their children’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), they can contact the Cumbria SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) who can offer a range of support. They will help parents, carers and young people to prepare for meetings with schools or the local authority and practically support them at the meetings in an appropriate and impartial manner. They can also signpost to other relevant support networks.

For more information on SENDIASS and how to find support, please click on this link  Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) | Cumberland Council

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