These are the most commonly asked questions by Year 6 pupils. We know what a big step it is to move to your next school, so we hope this will help answer some of the questions that you might have about what it is like at William Howard School.

What will I wear?

When Harry Potter went to Hogwarts his uniform list was given as plain black robes and pointed hat; black winter cloak with silver fastenings. At William Howard, ours is a lot more comfortable to wear! You will wear our school tie, blazer with a white shirt or blouse, black trousers or a school skirt, and plain black shoes.

You can find out more about the WHS school uniform and PE kit, including a price list here: Uniform Information page

Uniform can be bought from the Uniform Shop located in the main foyer. Opening times during school term:

  • For students – daily at break & lunchtimes
  • For parents – Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4pm


Kit needed for PE:
Recommended for Boys Recommended for Girls
  • Unisex PE Polo
  • Shorts
  • Socks
  • Hoodie
  • Girl fit or Unisex PE Polo
  • Skort, Shorts or WHS Leggings
  • Socks
  • Hoodie

All property should be clearly marked with your name.

What happens if I forget my PE kit?

Try to remember to pack your correct kit the night before. But if you do forget your kit, tell a member of staff and ask to borrow for the lesson. The kit for loan is washed after every use before being borrowed by students again.

What equipment will I need?

As well as a sturdy school bag to carry your equipment in, you’ll find it useful to have these items in your pencil case:

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • Colour pencils
  • Calculator
  • Glue stick

How much homework will I have?

Don’t worry!   You might find that you get more homework at secondary school than primary school, however it is all planned for you and you will know exactly what you are getting and how long it should take.

On your first day you will be given a school planner. Planners are designed to help you plan your work. There is a daily diary for you to make notes about homework, as well as lots of useful information on school life at WHS.

You can also install the Edulink One App on your phone, which will help you keep track of the homework you are given. In addition, the app gives you access to essential information such as your achievement and House points; attendance; and behaviour data.

What can I do during break times?

Football, netball, music and drama activities, student forums… life at William Howard certainly isn’t boring! There are a wide variety of clubs and activities that you will be welcome to join. We offer lots of lunchtime and after school activities to enrich your experience at William Howard and try to cater for as many different interests as possible. You don’t need an invitation or letter to join in – if you want to try something out, just turn up at the right place at right time. Clubs are a great way to meet new friends who like the same things as you.

What is the House system?

All students (and staff) have a House Team. There are four teams, named after local features: Eden, Gelt, Talkin and Vindolanda. Through your time at William Howard, you can earn House Points in lessons and at events such as the House Challenge Day or various competitions.