This half term, all students in Years 7, 8 and 9 were asked to create an A3 poster linked to the Royal Geographical Society’s ‘Young Geographer of the Year’ competition. This year the society had asked students to design a poster to promote the value of choosing geography at school, in further study and in the workplace, linking geographical skills to real people and jobs that make a difference.
Guidelines suggested that posters should be eye catching, creative and informative, promoting geography as an excellent choice, highlighting its relevance and demonstrating how studying geography can help you understand the world we live in and the ‘big issues’ that we face as a society.
Our pupils created some excellent posters; a winner was selected from each class and an overall winner was chosen from each year group. The three winners received prizes of a geography quiz book, a local edition OS map and a tube of sweets.
Congratulations to our WHS winners: Year 7 – Jess Bowker, Year 8 – Kate Reimartuse, Year 9 – Seth Graham.