LAMDA Exam Success

At the end of January, we held our third LAMDA Examination session at William Howard School, with nineteen students from Years 7 and 8 taking examinations in Solo Acting at Level 1. The results are in, and we are proud to announce that they all did exceedingly well, achieving a super set of results! All…

Learning About the Craft and Science of Cheesemaking

Two Year 13 students visited a local cheese factory last week to learn how beneficial micro-organisms are used in the food industry as part of their Level 3 Food and Nutrition Course. They saw the cheese being made, tasted the various stages and saw the cheese maturing in the cold store. The owner Leonie was…

Headteacher’s Award Follows Trip

Year 13 student Orcun Sabah received this week’s Headteacher’s Award. During the recent Media and Business Trip to Paris, Orcun engaged in every opportunity that was given to him. He became the leader of all competitions and created a real camaraderie with the group, some of which he did not know well. Orcun’s manners were…

U13s City Netball Tournament

The U13s City Netball Tournament was hosted by Trinity School yesterday afternoon when secondary schools from Carlisle competed against each other in the cold wind to earn the title of City Champions. Opposition teams included Newman, RR Central Academy, RR Morton Academy, Caldew, Trinity and Austin Friars. Both William Howard School U13s teams entered and…