Doubly Deserving Headteacher’s Award

In this last week of the academic year, two students were deemed thoroughly deserving of a Headteacher’s Award… Henry Brown in Year 9 is an exceptional student in every aspect of school life. As well as achieving numerous awards at the achievement assembly, Henry also showed his outstanding qualities during his recent Duke of Edinburgh…

Headteacher’s Award for Positive Attitude

Year 10 student Lydia Sabuda received this week’s Headteacher’s award. Lydia displays the highest level of responsibility in all her lessons. In Maths she has particularly excelled, always self-assessing her work, and of her own accord she works on areas of weakness at home. Her teacher, Mr Buttress commented, “She is the first to ask…

Headteacher’s Award for Spanish Ingenuity

Chris Jones, a student with many talents and an excellent attitude towards his learning, received this week’s Headteacher’s Award. The Year 10 student recently created an online game to support his peer group with mock exam revision, he then shared it to all students studying Spanish in his year group. Year 10 students have signed…

Headteacher’s Award for Resilient Student

Conscientious Year 10 student, Max Foster was chosen to receive the Headteacher’s Award this week. Max has shown the utmost resilience recovering and returning to school following a serious sporting injury. He has displayed the highest level of academic excellence and is consistently achieving outstanding results in his GCSE subjects. Max is focused and hard…