Attendance Focus

As we move to the last days of the school term, your child’s attendance is vital. Every day that a student is not in school, they lose out on important learning time as well as social development with their friends and peers. Please make sure that your child finishes the year positively, by being in…

Measles Advice From NHS

Over 102,000 children starting primary school in England are at risk of catching measles. NHS England is urging parents to check that their children are up to date with their MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccinations in the wake of measles cases rising across the country. Childhood vaccination rates have fallen over the past ten…

Stepping Up to Sixth Form

On Thursday, 21 September, we held an information evening for parents of new Year 12 students. Mrs Swan’s presentation, outlining key aspects of Sixth Form life, can be downloaded here: Step up to Sixth Form Parents Evening

Parent LAB member vacancy

Dear Parents Do you want to get involved in the running of your local Academy Local Advisory Board? An exciting opportunity is available for you to join our Local Advisory Board (previously known as the Governing Body) at William Howard School.  There is one vacancy available for Parent LAB members. As Trusts and Academies become…